Tips, Tools and Foundational Skills for Graduate Students
It is most important for students to understand the importance of power as related to sample size when analyzing a study or research article versus actually calculating power. Conducting power analysis when doing qualitative research is simply put–good science. This month the ASCP Working Group meeting will be be a interactive workshop to discuss how to calculate statistical power for various studies. Dr. Jessie Greenlee, a Postdoctoral Fellow the University of Wisconsin-Madison and expert in power analysis will lead this important virtual workshop.
"Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable." ~Mark Twain.
ASCP Working Group Professional Development
The ASCP Working Group prioritizes professional development as a key element of graduate training. Through the centering of social justice frameworks, these sessions strengthen our members capacity to engage in research, teaching and service addressing pressing social needs across diverse populations.
This virtual gathering will take place Tuesday November 24th from 11:00 to 12:30pm. Participation information will be sent via email to all members of the ASCP Working Group. Please contact Dr. Dionne Stephens to receive event updates or webinar login information (see below).